Karekare Beach on a rather unpleasant Evening

Panatahi Island | 22mm | 2.0 sec | f14 | ISO100


Sometimes exciting light at the end (or beginning) of the day happens but more often that not that patchy cloud in the sky that promised so much on the trip out the the west coast turns into a full grey blanket that hides any hint of the sun and its associated colourful sky as it slinks below the horizon.

Thus it was a few weeks ago out at Karekare beach. This gave me the opportunity to experiment a bit with some moody, almost colourless (and in the case of the panorama, black and white) images around dusk.

Not my usual style, but certainly not a wasted trip, unlike the time before when I got all the way there and realised I had no memory cards on me!

Karekare Beach panorama | 3 image stitch | 24mm | 1.6 sec | f8.0 | ISO100

Karekare footsteps | 33mm | 1/6 sec | f11 | ISO100

Karekare seaweed | 16mm | 1.3 sec | f8.0 | ISO100