It's been a while...

Muriwai Blow Hole | 67mm | 1.0sec | f16 | ISO100

Muriwai Blow Hole | 67mm | 1.0sec | f16 | ISO100

It has been well over a year since I tended this website (there's even a few draft posts sitting here that I'll publish in the next few days), in fact it's been well over a year since I picked up my camera to make a picture for myself. My day job as a real estate photographer keeps me quite busy and sometimes the last thing I want to do at the end (or beginning) of the day is pick up my camera, but really those are just excuses...

So it's time to get cracking again, to wander and explore and find beautiful sites and capture them on a cameras memory card, but where to start? How about the rock formations at the south end of Muriwai beach? somewhere tried and tested many times before, where the only ingredients necessary for a good image is an interesting sky and little enough wind that your camera doesn't jet itself off into the cliffs behind you. Oh, and look, the blow hole has half caved in, so that's something new!

So what's the point of these words? Mostly it's to remind you to not forget to get out there and do what you love, whatever it is. Find, no, MAKE the time. It doesn't matter what else you've got going on, or new things that come your way, keep some time aside to lubricate your brain doing that one thing that brings you joy, otherwise you'll look at yourself in the mirror in 2 years time and wonder who the hell is staring back at you.

Anyway, my name is Geoff, and these are my pictures (more to come).

Muriwai Sunset | 28mm | 3 images @ 08 sec, 2.5sec, 8.0sec | f8 | ISO100

Muriwai Sunset | 28mm | 3 images @ 08 sec, 2.5sec, 8.0sec | f8 | ISO100